Termux:Float - User Termux Float Like a Pro

 Hey guys 🙋‍♂️, Termux is one of the best tool when it comes to android Hacking and Scripting and to make the termux tool more covenant and easy to use, there are Some Termux Plugins that we can use. We have already discussed about Termux-Widgets and In this post I am gonna Tell you guys about how you can install termux float in termux for free and use it to overlay your termux app on any application 🔥.

Termux:Float -  User Termux Float Like a Pro in 2022

What is Termux Float?

Termux Float is a plugin created so that users can access Termux terminal in a floating window. This simple add-on will allow users to directly access terminal while running other applications. So basically you can use what's app and termux at the same time. This simple add-on can save you a lot of time, like if you want to learn python, just go on some site, and you can see the code on the site at the same time you can live code it in your termux. You can even run bots or scripts and see it running live in the floating windows and watch Anime at the same time on some other app.

Termux:Float -  User Termux Float Like a Pro in 2022

You can also use this add-on to read about termux and then while you are on the site, you can see the command and run those command inside the termux at the same time.

How to Download Termux Float for Free?

Make sure you have downloaded the Termux from the f-droid and not from playstore or else the add-ons will not get installed. If you wanna know how to install termux latest updated version then read : [ Download Termux : Install latest version of Termux - 2022 ]

1st Method:

To download termux Float , you Just have to click on the download button below and the APK will be downloaded in your phone, The size of apk is just couple of Mb, so it will be downloaded in no time.
Download Termux Widget for Free

Just install that APK and if you see a successful installation, then you are done with the download part.

2nd Method:

If the above downloaded APK is not working or it is showing "app not installed error" then you can just go to the F-Droid Termux Float page and try to download the latest version available.

How to Use Termux Float?

Enable Floating Windows permissions:

So if you have successfully installed termux float using above method, Then the first thing that you have to do is find Termux:float application in your phone, long press on it and tap on app info and just enable the floating windows option. You can CLICK HERE to see how I did it in my phone.

Run Termux Floating Window:

To run the termux-float you just have to click on the launcher icon of the termux float app. Just tap on the Termux:Float app, and you will see termux floating screen, and now you can do anything you want inside this floating terminal.

Termux:Float -  User Termux Float Like a Pro in 2022

Close Termux Floating Window:

To close the floating window, you can just tap on the close icon, and it will be closed, you can also type exit and that will close the termux:float too.

Termux:Float -  User Termux Float Like a Pro in 2022

Minimize Termux Floating Window:

You can always minimize termux floating window using the minimize button in the top left corner of the terminal. just tap on it and the window will turn into a small moveable ball, you can tap that ball back if you want your terminal back on your screen.

Termux:Float -  User Termux Float Like a Pro in 2022

Move Termux Floating Window:

To move the window anywhere you want you just have to long press in the center on the terminal, and then it will become transparent in 1sec, and then you can move it anywhere you want.

Termux:Float -  User Termux Float Like a Pro in 2022

Resize Termux Floating Window:

This is little tricky but one you will get it, it's going to become really easy for you. So first, tap the center on the terminal with one finger and now when you can move it just place your second finger or your thumb on the screen and try to pinch the window, and it will start resizing, just pinch in to reduce the size and pinch out to make the screen terminal bigger CLICK HERE to see this in GIF format.

Advance thing to know about Termux Floating Window:

Termux floating window will always open a fresh session of termux when you open it, that means, if you are using termux and want it to be on the float window then you can't do that, as soon is as you will tap on the termu float icon it will open a new session where you can type the same command to do anything you want. You can use termux and at the same time you can see floating window, so you can do 2 tast at the same time. The last thing that you must know is, Termux Floating window will not allow you to copy-paste data in your floating window.


Termux Float is an awesome and useful plugin that can make termux more convenient to use and allow us to do multitasking with any application we want.  You can use it while you are learning about any new tools and type the commands while reading it's uses. With this plugin in your phone, you will get feel of linux/desktop. If you think termux plugins are awesome, then you should check outTermux:Widget - User Termux Widget Like a Pro in 2022 ]. If you are going to install termux:float in your phone then let me know how you're going to use it, also, if you have any questions, you can ask me in the comments below. Thanks for reading guys and as always stay ethical👾.

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